Public Sentiment Analysis
Learn from your users emotions
Would you like to know how your customers feel when they talk about your product? Appsedia empowers you to understand the emotional impact your product has on its user-base.
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What can you do with Public Sentiment Analysis?
Appsedia's Sentiment Analysis module gives you the ability to answer:
How does the public feel about your app?
How has this feeling trended over time?
How does your app compare to its competitors?
How are its competitors trending over time?
How did the latest release/marketing campaign affect public sentiment?
How it works
Appsedia examines the tone and context of app reviews and social media posts to determine how the public feels when they write about an app. Our algorithm is optimized across each social platform and each app category.
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"Appsedia is like a second set of eyes working in the background, it has even spotted issues that I have missed."
Riley Mullins, Community Manager
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Listen and learn from all your app's customers wherever they talk online.
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